Experience Classic Army Jeeps of Angkor Siem Reap

Angkor Temples by Siem Reap Army Jeeps

You will surely find a few unique ways to explore incredible Angkor Complex and itself beautiful surroundings in the magical Siem Reap of Cambodia. Ideally choose from Tuk Tuk ride, bike cycles, e-bikes to comfortable air conditioning vehicles as if you are friendlily invited to hop on our classic army jeeps to catch the colorful Siem Reap city highlights along with various tastes of Riverside Street food or spend a half day to experience countryside villages with handing on exotic village activities or grab a short escape for countryside sunset cocktail experience, especially embark on a life time journey to discover the magnificent Angkor Wat with/without the spectacular sunrise, the remarkable South Gate of Angkor Thom, the endless smiling faces of Bayon temple and the famous Tomb Raider “Ta Prohm temple”.

  • Tour code: #wowexperience
  • City/region: Siem Reap
  • Tour type: private, classic, sightseeing, unique
  • Duration: from half day
  • Hassle: free, flexible
  • Available: daily (best time: November to February)
  • Advance booking: required
  • Tour required: all included (except Angkor ticket)

Half Day Angkor Wat with Sunrise

Angkor Wat Sunrise by Army JeepsOur experienced tour guide and jeep driver will be picking you up at 4.45am then we process to get Angkor ticket, continue our army jeep within Angkor jungle toward the magnificent Angkor Wat where we enjoy the walking from the west side to the most popular spot to watch the spectacular sunrise over Angkor Wat towers and capture its beautiful sunrise reflection at the lotus pond.

Don’t forget to bring along your take-away breakfast from your hotel.

After sunrise, our guide will escort you to a suitable seating to enjoy you packed breakfast.

Continue to witness the marvelous Angkor Wat – the world’s heritage listed by UNESCO in 1992 and the largest unrivaled monument in the world. Built by Suryavarman II in 12th Century, Angkor Wat is considered as one of the top destinations in Asia and is a must-see in your lifetime. Learning from your tour guide the amazing history, its ancestral incredible, architectural masterpieces and the finest carvings dates back to the Khmer Empire when it dominated the largest parts of Southeast Asia. Return back to your hotel before noon and end of service.

Tour Included: Experienced local English-speaking tour guide, classic jeep, tour/sightseeing per mentioned, mineral bottled water, fresh face towels, pickup & drop off at your hotel.

Tour NOT included: Travel insurance, Angkor ticket ($37/pax), meals, drinks and services are not mentioned, gratitude/tipping to guide and driver.

Full Day Guided Angkor Discovery

Angkor Temples by Siem Reap Army JeepWe start the tour by a classic army jeep at 8.30am at your hotel’s lobby then we process to get Angkor ticket, pleasantly drive within Angkor jungle to the South Gate of Angkor Thom atop 4 giant faces that religiously represents compassion, sympathy, equanimity and charity. Stroll around Bayon temple consisting of more than 200 smiling faces in stone, admired by interesting temples including Baphuon, Phimeanakas, terrace of leper king and terrace of elephant. Resume the journey to visit Ta Prohm temple adorned with the stunning, amazing tree roots where Lara Croft Tomb Raider was filmed.

Enjoy tasty Khmer set lunch at The Palmboo restaurant near temples.

Afternoon, continue our jeep adventure to witness the marvelous Angkor Wat – the world’s heritage listed by UNESCO in 1992 and the largest unrivaled monument in the world. Built by Suryavarman II in 12th Century, Angkor Wat is considered as one of the top destinations in Asia and is a must-see in your lifetime. Learning from your tour guide the amazing history, its ancestral incredible, architectural masterpieces and the finest carvings dates back to the Khmer Empire when it dominated the largest parts of Southeast Asia.

Note: Visiting beautiful sunset (free of charge) is available at Phnom Bakheng, please speak to our tour guide to manage this for you. This is a hiking up (Approx. 25-30 minutes per way) to the hill and it’s always touristy or skip it if you feel tired.

Tour Included: Experienced local English-speaking tour guide, classic jeep, Khmer set lunch, tour/sightseeing per mentioned, mineral bottled water, fresh face towels, pickup & drop off at your hotel.

Tour NOT included: Travel insurance, Angkor ticket ($37/pax), meals, drinks and services are not mentioned, gratitude/tipping to guide and driver.

Countryside Sunset Cocktail by Army Jeep

Cambodia Countryside Sunset by Siem Reap Army JeepWe leave for the exciting journey at 3.00pm from your hotel’s lobby then our classic jeep heads out of the hassle Siem Reap city with highlights toward a countryside about 4km away. The first place we visit is a big active Buddhist pagoda where you learn from our tour guide about daily lives of Buddhist monks work and see the surrounding with the remarkable carvings of the giant gates then we continue to stroll a nearby local market for observing interesting daily trades between local vendors and buyers while we walk to sample some delicious street food. This market is well-known for its daily basic which only opens in the evening and local people gather around to sell their fresh home-grown vegetables, chicken and other meats, and the main things that attract buyers to spend more and more are the notable selling prices at each purchase.

Finally, we hop on the jeep from the market to a suitable rice field where we unpack the cocktail set then wait to watch beautiful sunset fading at the golden sky, enjoy taking photos of the sunset with rice paddies and mountain view while sipping our selected local beer and soft drinks or red/white wine, and the crispy finger snacks and bravely dare to eat delicious insects.

Tour Included: Experienced local English-speaking tour guide, classic jeep, local beer and soft drinks or red/white wine, tour/sightseeing per mentioned, mineral bottled water, fresh face towels, pickup & drop off at your hotel.

Tour NOT included: Travel insurance, meals, drinks and services are not mentioned, gratitude/tipping to guide and driver.

Unique Village Experience by Classic Jeep

Siem Reap Village Oxcart rideWe hop on the vintage army jeep with our experienced tour guide at 8.00am then we’re going to a remote countryside village, the journey passes interesting city highlight and huge beautiful rice paddies dotting with palm trees and cattle in the fields. We will visit a local market to observe interesting trade exchanges before arriving in the village, next have some fun on the oxcart ride through the village to get interaction along with “Hello” from friendly kids. Disembark the cart, you’ll be greeted by a host family then we get involved with rural activities such as making roof of palm leaves. These rural village activities are most uniquememorable experience in your trip to Cambodia. Return to the family’s house, stroll round to see the surrounding which admired by routine, lifestyle, culture, customs and superstitions, enjoy lunch followed by tropical fruits and get refreshed by coconut juice before saying goodbye to the host, and return your hotel around 12.30pm or 1.00pm.

Tour Included: Experienced local English-speaking tour guide, classic jeep, lunch, fruits, coconut juice, ox cart ride, tour activities/sightseeing per mentioned, mineral bottled water, fresh face towels, pickup & drop off at your hotel.

Tour NOT included: Travel insurance, meals, drinks and services are not mentioned, gratitude/tipping to guide and driver.

  • Additional Information

    Our local experienced English speaking guide

    Our local tour guide is the most important part of the entire trip. He/she is the one who makes your day well worth a visit and will do his/her best to ensure you leaving Cambodia with a great experience and unforgettable. More importantly, we patiently commit and carefully reserve one of our top tour guides that has more than 10 years experienced in taking care of clients to see beautiful Cambodia as well as sharing lovely Cambodia’s culture and history, and he/she has friendly attitude, informative, knowledgeable, and advisable.

    Dressing Code

    Cambodia geographically stays in the tropical monsoon, its weather varies and annually brings wet and dry seasons, generally hot in during day time and a bit cooler at night, and in the early morning. You should wear whatever most comfortable but remember to dress appropriately to respect the locals and other religious sites; pagodas, temples and holy places. Clothes must cover your shoulders and knees when you wish to visit the top part at Angkor Wat, Royal Palace in Phnom Penh and when you go to meet Buddhist monks.

Make Reservation

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